Teeth Whitening in Santa Clara
Brighten Your Teeth for a Rejuvenated Smile
Tooth enamel is porous, and staining or coloring substances in food and tobacco can penetrate into the enamel, often deeply. Aging and certain medications can also alter your enamel’s color and clarity. These factors can cause your teeth to become yellow, darkened or stained over time.
Teeth whitening is a fast and easy way to dramatically brighten and improve your smile. Dr. Khetani provides top-quality whitening in our office. She also furnishes customized trays and professional-grade whitening gel so you can conveniently whiten your teeth at home on your own schedule.
Why Get Professional Teeth Whitening?
There are many teeth whitening products available outside of dental offices today, but these are not professional-grade and do not have the strength to remove anything deeper than surface stains.
Only a dentist is legally allowed to provide whitening systems that are strong enough to remove the deeply buried stains found in the microcracks of tooth enamel, far below the tooth surface. Our whitening systems penetrate deeply into your teeth and are able to eradicate the toughest stains.
In-House Whitening
With our in-office whitening treatment, Dr. Khetani can make your teeth many shades whiter, usually in less than an hour. Our teeth whitening is a safe and comfortable procedure that results in a long-lasting bright smile.
Take-home whitening gel with custom trays
Dr. Khetani also offers professional-grade whitening gels with custom bleaching trays for convenient at-home use. Take-home whitening can be used by itself or to enhance the results achieved with in-office whitening. Dr. Khetani will give you full instructions on how to apply the gel, how long to wear the trays and how often to do home-whitening sessions.
To make an appointment, call 408‑564‑6149 or click here to request an appointment online.